ラテン語の英訳:ChatGPT4 対 古典語学者

Translate the following ancient latin sentence into English: compluribus provinciis solum per universitatem populi est definitum.

The sentence “compluribus provinciis solum per universitatem populi est definitum” can be translated into English as:

“In several provinces, the land is defined only by the collective agreement of the people.”

This translation interprets “compluribus provinciis” as referring to several provinces, “solum” as land or ground, “per universitatem populi” as through the collective or universal agreement of the people, and “est definitum” as is defined. The sentence suggests a concept of defining territorial boundaries or ownership based on the consensus or collective agreement of the population within those provinces.

I’m sorry one word was missing: “compluribus provinciis tributarium solum per universitatem populi est definitum” . Please translate it again.

With the inclusion of the word “tributarium,” the sentence “compluribus provinciis tributarium solum per universitatem populi est definitum” translates to:

“In several provinces, the tribute-bearing land is defined only by the collective agreement of the people.”

Here, “tributarium” adds the notion of land that bears tribute, indicating that the sentence refers specifically to land from which taxes or tributes are collected. The translation thus suggests that in these provinces, the determination of which lands are subject to tribute is made collectively by the people.

”in many provinces the land is identified with the people (populus) which inhabits it.”

(文脈は、ager per extremitatem mensura comprehensus が非課税地であり、神殿の所領とかローマから分離されたような特別の土地に適用されたと議論してきて、しかし実際にそれが行われたとされている地方の碑銘文が、通常の村落であり課税対象だったとあって、議論が否定されるのを、いや実際はそれらの土地で課税地は後で住民の総意で決められたのであり、全部が最初から課税地となっていた訳ではない、というものです。)
